Notes for the designated safeguarding person (DSP) and their backup
We are a small organisation run mainly by volunteers. While we have named a set of people (normally two) to act as DSP and backup, we do not expect or intend you to be professional experts in the field of child, young person or vulnerable adult safeguarding, this would be disproportionate in the light of the way we work. What is required is that you know how to contact authorities that are experts in the relevant fields.
AACT works in partnership with other organisations and our policies include this note:
AACT is a small charity, currently with no premises or staff of its own. All our work is done in partnership with other organizations and our contact with beneficiaries and the public will occur on others’ premises and normally under the supervision of a member of the partner organization. In these cases it is important that you follow any safeguarding policies in place at the host organization, for example reporting any concerns to their designated person. If this is impossible in practice, then AACT’s Designated Safeguarding Person should be contacted.
Should you be contacted about a safeguarding issue, you should follow this procedure:
1. Make a written record of what you have been told, including dates and times, names and any other available information that might be relevant, including any other organisation or individuals involved.
2. Check with the person contacting you whether they have reported the issue through a partner organisation.
3. If possible, contact any partner organization concerned to liaise on reporting (but do not wait to do this if any allegation makes it possible a person is in immediate danger, in that case the safest route is to contact the police without delay)
4. If no other suitable authority is reporting the incident/allegation then you should do so to the relevant body. These can be found on the Berkshire Child Protection Procedures website (at the time of writing this can be found at:
5. Records must be stored and information kept confidential in accordance with the Data Protection Act.
6. HOWEVER, safety issues (particularly for children) override confidentiality. If you believe someone is in danger, alert authorities immediately, do not wait for permission to override confidentiality.
These notes last updated July 2011